Monday, June 18, 2012

garden happenings


my favorite of the garage wall garden

chamomile everywhere

first raspberries

kale and cucumber

lavender, mint, phlox

cherry tomatoes

these are the good days in the garden. when i've finally gotten everything planted (except for that failed radish patch i need to replace, and that last empty spot in my community garden to fill) and the bounty is starting to flow.

flowers are blooming (all that lavender, calendula, and volunteer chamomile that i've been snipping and drying), raspberries are ripening on the stalks, garlic has been de-scaped, kale leaves are growing larger by the day, and little green cherry tomatoes are bursting onto the plants.

it's a beautiful time in my garden these days. how about yours?


  1. mushy, rainy, muddy gardens here in seattle with not much sun yet. :(

  2. love those planted tin cans! wish that they wouldn't serve as solar cookers in the deep south. As long as I keep watering, we're growing great guns. Watering is my biggest obstacle.

  3. it is in the 100s this week! our plants are still thriving, but man! it is so hot to just be june.
